A Better and Brighter Future
Liz and her son were living out of their car…until you stepped in with help and hope!
I’m doing my best, thought Liz.
The single mom’s “best” was getting her son, Jason, ready for school in a public restroom and skipping dinner so he could go to bed with a full belly. At least he got breakfast and lunch at school.
After a week of living out of their car, Liz didn’t know how much longer she and her son could last like this.
Liz and Jason had recently fled their home in a desperate attempt to escape a dangerous situation. Florida was the nearest place where Liz had family who could take them in.
After a month, Liz finally felt like she and Jason were settling in. Liz had secured a job and would start her first shift in a week. Jason was enrolled in school. Liz was looking forward to saving up money so she could rent her own place in a few months. But all her plans fell out from under her when the unexpected happened.
The family member Liz and Jason were staying with received an eviction notice — and did not inform Liz. All of a sudden, Liz and Jason had only two days to vacate the house. With no other family or friends to stay with, Liz and Jason had no other choice but to survive out of their car.
Liz was running out of money. Dinner was becoming harder and harder to provide. She needed a miracle. She needed the help you make possible at Metro Ministries.
Liz and Jason showed up to one of our partner meal sites one Friday. The scared single mom opened up about her situation. “I didn’t eat yesterday,” she told us. “But I was able to get Jason some food. As long as I can feed my child, I don’t have to eat.”
Liz is not the only parent in our community making sacrifices just to feed her family. But because you give, Liz doesn’t have to skip meals, live out of her car, or get Jason ready for school in a public restroom anymore.
We helped Liz and Jason get set up in a hotel with some nonperishable food, and then connected them with a Metro caseworker who is helping the brave family secure temporary housing.
“I’ve never been in a situation like this in my life…”
I’ve always had a job and been able to take care of my responsibilities. Thank you so much for the food and resources.”
You’re meeting families like Liz’s with help, hope, and dignity. Because you give, Liz and Jason are taking things day by day and looking forward to a better, brighter future.